The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

The League of Extraordinary Gentleman is a great movie! It is one of those movies that you have to do research on before you watch it. In order to fully enjoy the movie you have to first understand the concept. A movie or book about fighting that does not have a purpose lose its credibility. In this movie I saw a lot of familiar faces. The movie did a wonderful job of connecting all of our Victorian monsters from this semester. Firstly, Mina Harker she was the good typewriter wife in a book called Dracula. Dracula seduced her and turned her into a vampire. In the movie she seemed very attractive. I believe it is because of her powers of seduction. She was also the only woman in the league. Next, is the Dorian gray. He was very attractive and mysterious. I did not expect him to be the bad guy of the movie. When I found out it was him all along the clues started to add up. He is a very selfish, bad, and conceited human being. In his case pictures really do not lie. I thought the movie portrayed all the characters incredibly well in comparison to the literature we read. The invisible man was my favorite the creator remain true to his character. Dr. Jekyll complications with containing Hyde was shown throughout the movie. Hyde surprised me by being helpful rather than harmful. I could have easily assumed he was going to be the trader in the movie. The role of Dr. Jekyll was also portrayed by Great Expectations loving actor Joe.

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