
Gender plays an important role in everything.I feel as if there is a double standard when discussing the gender role. In the Victorian Era a woman was supposed to be the angel of the house. If she participated in sex before marriage then she is considered tainted. She would not be considered eligible for marriage. Marriage was also often arranged. Some women and men did not have a choice. There was very little work for a woman.  A woman main purpose is to have children. If she could not have kids then she was considered useless.If a woman did not have the support of her husband then she would also become lost. She may even consider prostitution. She is also supposed to grieve over her husband for long periods of time. It is a certain amount of time she would have to wait before deciding to get remarried. Their fashion choice was sophisticated. They had long thick dresses and coats. Our society would think that is odd compared to our skin-tight provocative clothing.

Men did not have it easy either. Low or middle class men were forced to take dangerous jobs. The little boys could not enjoy their childhood because they had risky factory jobs. They would also have long hours of work. The prison hulks was also relevant around that time period. The men and boys had to worry about conviction. Their life was about working till their dead. They could not get ahead and in a better environment. The system was design to keep the poor being poor and the rich stay rich. They only wanted their cheap labor. They did not know what we know now. We are very luck to have the opportunity to pick our own jobs. We have creative control in the workforce.

In the book called Dracula the brides were seductive. The men were brave. The men had to defend their honor to regain their manhood. The women were divided between innocent and the guilty. The innocent woman is alive while the guilty lustful women died gruesomely. The Victorians thought that was normal. Any act of sin should be punished according to them. In our eyes that was one-sided. The men were strong and powerful while the women were pretty and defenseless.

What to keep and omit ?

Each passage of literature we read in Humanities 101 contained its own significance. I believe all of the literature is valuable in its own way. I honestly can not decided on anything that should have not been mentioned. I believe my teacher did a wonderful job at choosing our topics. All the topics explain why something is important in this time period. I use to watch a lot of television and they would often reference to some of our Victorian monsters. At the time, I could not understand their reasoning. Now, I understand the history of those subjects and more. I did not expect to learn all of this in my humanities class. The newly found knowledge is something I can use while in an educated conversation. I could reference to the literature in future papers. I could do numerous of things with this information.

You should keep the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde story. The reason why is because it discusses complications that we all as human beings face in this society. We are always battling right and wrong. We try to rationalize our behaviors. We all have those thoughts about risking everything and forgetting the consequences. Some people will do anything to satisfy their own needs, especially at someone else expense. I believe the story is an inspiration to everyone. Someone could be battling an addiction and need to see those cause and effects. Someone could also have stress built up from work and need this outlet. This book is more than just an entertaining story it is a life experience.

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

The League of Extraordinary Gentleman is a great movie! It is one of those movies that you have to do research on before you watch it. In order to fully enjoy the movie you have to first understand the concept. A movie or book about fighting that does not have a purpose lose its credibility. In this movie I saw a lot of familiar faces. The movie did a wonderful job of connecting all of our Victorian monsters from this semester. Firstly, Mina Harker she was the good typewriter wife in a book called Dracula. Dracula seduced her and turned her into a vampire. In the movie she seemed very attractive. I believe it is because of her powers of seduction. She was also the only woman in the league. Next, is the Dorian gray. He was very attractive and mysterious. I did not expect him to be the bad guy of the movie. When I found out it was him all along the clues started to add up. He is a very selfish, bad, and conceited human being. In his case pictures really do not lie. I thought the movie portrayed all the characters incredibly well in comparison to the literature we read. The invisible man was my favorite the creator remain true to his character. Dr. Jekyll complications with containing Hyde was shown throughout the movie. Hyde surprised me by being helpful rather than harmful. I could have easily assumed he was going to be the trader in the movie. The role of Dr. Jekyll was also portrayed by Great Expectations loving actor Joe.

Technology and Industry

Technology is one invention that will not die out. It is always advancing by the seconds. Technology is also always competing with different devices and brand names. The goal is to place as many features into a device till the device can not handle anymore applications. As a society, we have advanced from the pagers to miniature talking computers. The change is occurring extremely quickly we can not grasp it. I often wonder, are we truly enjoying these new inventions? I believe at the speed we are going we are missing important features within technology. An example of this theory is my new phone, the Galaxy S5 before I could become familiar with it, the S6 was being promoted across my television screen.

In the Victorian Era, old coffee houses were replaced by modern offices, using the new telegraph system to trade world-wide. Women were taken on as ‘typewriters’ and telephonists. The technology was either increasing jobs or decreasing the amount of available work.The owners of the house would get new items to keep up with the newest products. In most cases the workers would benefit from the new inventions. I feel as if I could handle the digital age. The reason why is because I am often eager to have and learn new things.


My expectations on Dracula was not similar to what I read. First, I was extremely confused by the book. Second, there were words exchanged that had a deeper meaning that I did not understand. Third, I am use to watching Twilight so this is completely different. I want to reread it during my spare time to better understand the content. Overall it was not bad. I would also like to watch one of the movies. Sometimes, I can be a visual learner when faced with new material. There is a lot to say about Dracula that this blog can not fulfill. I mainly want to say he has a jealous and controlling side. He was jealous when the brides was taking advantage of their guest. He said “He is mine” which held a deeper meaning. The way he snatch the brides back showed his sense of control. There is also a lot of right and wrong or good and evil. I do not like how they subject their means of actions with killing. I like to look deeply within the text and see why some people had to be killed while others did not. The story seemed a little one-sided to me.

Dracula and Vampires

I know more about vampires than Dracula.There are several ways to kill them. I will only list a few. The easiest way to kill a vampire is by direct sunlight. That is also the hardest way because they do not usually come out during the day time. The next killing method is with a wooden stake. The wooden stake remains one of the best tools to use for vampire killing. The sharp edge is enough to pierce through their flesh. The third weapon is silver. If a vampire touch any silver their skin will burn. The next fact about vampires is that they can not reproduce. Their significant bite is their form of reproduction. I think we are so fascinated about their ability to live long periods of time. The common human question is about life, age, and time. The vampires disregard those concerns. Television has also portray them as more sexual oppose to terrifying. My source on vampires is this site : I have also been given some of that information over the years. Sometimes, I have to do research after I watch television because it is often false information.

Dorian Gray Vs. Our Society

The Dorian Gray story is a replica of our society. We are afraid on aging physically. We will try anything to keep the wrinkles, gray hair, and slow metabolism down. We use makeup when we are unhappy with our facial structures.We wear contacts just to look different as a form of fashion. We try surgery when we are dissatisfied with our physical characteristics. We work out more for heath and personal reasons. There is a saying that body fat makes you age quicker. Hair color is our best friend. We use it to keep any sign of graying away. Graying can mean many things. It could be good luck, stress, age, or even a family trait. Older men and women sometimes date the younger gender in order to feel younger. Sometimes age forces us to change. Our habits and lifestyle reflects our age.   Age is not death it is okay to embrace your age. Recently, younger women have been dyeing their hair gray. They call it granny hair. I believe it is a way to embrace their individuality. They are also going against nature and time with the new styles. We normally do not acknowledge our age until we have a health scare that causes use to pay attention. We will have that realization the same way Dorian Gray.

Invisible Woman

If I could be invisible, I would not have a clue about what I would do first. I would use my powers for good (sometimes). I have to get the bad out first in order to remain good. I would do all of the things I was afraid to do before. I would not have to fear judgement from my associates. Unfortunately, because I am invisible no one can truly enjoy my talents. I would not want to have powers that I can not share with others. I would like to have powers similar to Violet on The Incredibles movie.  She can be both visible and invisible whenever she wants too. She also has the power to create an invisible force-field. I would like that better than the invisible man powers.


Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a unique story. The book has been changed and retold over the years. I believe it is everlasting because it does what everyone really wants to secretly do. In my opinion, we all have bad tendencies sometimes. We are not always happy and smiling all the time. In order to protect our image, we stand back and put on a face best fit for society. Some people cover it up and others do not care to cover it up. In any case it is not good to keep these emotions inside of you. It is always best to talk it over with someone. Someone who has your best interests at heart. In my field of business, I tolerate a lot of disrespect. I have to ignore individuals and their lack of knowledge. However, when issues become too unbearable, I have to sit down and ask myself is it worth addressing. If it is worth it then I go directly to the source. Somethings are worth risking the consequences. I am willing to risk it for my self-respect.


The leprechaun movie

When I was younger, I used to be scared of the leprechaun. I would go in an opposite direction from rainbows. Now, the leprechaun is one of my favorite horror movies. He is not as scary as our Victorian monsters. It is his physical and mental characteristics that allows him to stand out from other monsters. The movie is based on greed. The leprechaun only harm people who have stolen from him. He has a sense of humor. The scariest part of the movie is his killing methods. A person in the movie used his money to buy a gold tooth. He ripped it out of their mouth. That was a horrific scene for me. He is also really ugly but that can be funny and scary. The movie also expanded my curiosity about rainbows. In comparison to a childhood dream, I used to wonder about rainbows really leading to gold. This movie has followed me from childhood into adulthood.