The leprechaun movie

When I was younger, I used to be scared of the leprechaun. I would go in an opposite direction from rainbows. Now, the leprechaun is one of my favorite horror movies. He is not as scary as our Victorian monsters. It is his physical and mental characteristics that allows him to stand out from other monsters. The movie is based on greed. The leprechaun only harm people who have stolen from him. He has a sense of humor. The scariest part of the movie is his killing methods. A person in the movie used his money to buy a gold tooth. He ripped it out of their mouth. That was a horrific scene for me. He is also really ugly but that can be funny and scary. The movie also expanded my curiosity about rainbows. In comparison to a childhood dream, I used to wonder about rainbows really leading to gold. This movie has followed me from childhood into adulthood.

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