Dorian Gray Vs. Our Society

The Dorian Gray story is a replica of our society. We are afraid on aging physically. We will try anything to keep the wrinkles, gray hair, and slow metabolism down. We use makeup when we are unhappy with our facial structures.We wear contacts just to look different as a form of fashion. We try surgery when we are dissatisfied with our physical characteristics. We work out more for heath and personal reasons. There is a saying that body fat makes you age quicker. Hair color is our best friend. We use it to keep any sign of graying away. Graying can mean many things. It could be good luck, stress, age, or even a family trait. Older men and women sometimes date the younger gender in order to feel younger. Sometimes age forces us to change. Our habits and lifestyle reflects our age.   Age is not death it is okay to embrace your age. Recently, younger women have been dyeing their hair gray. They call it granny hair. I believe it is a way to embrace their individuality. They are also going against nature and time with the new styles. We normally do not acknowledge our age until we have a health scare that causes use to pay attention. We will have that realization the same way Dorian Gray.

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